Priests are capable of dealing damage well, but they have two specializations for healing damage. Master of both direct heals and heals over time, the priest class is complicated and relies on addons and macros to help keep the entire group alive.
like us on Facebook get email updates share your macros follow on twitterThis will use your Trinket, (I use it for battle master in pvp), while also casting Desperate Prayer (if you spec it). If you have a healthstone in your bag, it will use one change of it.
The goal of this macro is to dps a mob and shield SMARTLY without changing targets allowing for max damage. 1st it will try to attempt to PW:S your mouseover target if it is a friendly but do nothing if it’s an enemy. 2nd, if you target an ally or yourself you will PW:S that target. 3rd, if you are in a group you will shield the mob’s target* without having to change targets. 4th, IF you are solo’ing (pvp […]
Rez someone with random saying. Just replace /cast Revive with /cast WhateverYourRezSpellIs I’ve been using it for years, and it never fails to get a good chuckle. These are some of the best sayings.
Casts Power Word Shield on your mouse-over target. Great for while you need to bubble the whole party/raid!
This is your Priest oh shit I need a huge heal button. You can keybind it to your Greater Heal button and when you need a crit heal, hold down the modifier, shift (you can change this) to attempt to activate Inner Focus.
This Wow priest macro, requested by a player, casts Flash Heal on your focus target (if you have one) or yourself if you don’t have a focus. Casts Flash Heal on your current target if you hold down a modifier button, like alt, shift or control or you right click it. Let me know how it works for you.
Always use one of your trinkets (whichever is not on cooldown but not both at the same time) along with Mindbender.
Use this Divine Hymn macro to combine your trinkets. It will alternate between trinkets when used each time
This will cancel the Spirit shell effect and allow the disc priest to resume healing as normal.
Levitate macro This macro will dismount you and cast leviate on you, if you have levitate on then it disable it. makes it alot easier if you pop levitate to early. also if you mouseover one of your friends it cast levitate on him. Code explaining: line 1: gives you the tooltip of levitate line 2: takes you off your mount. line 3: cast levitate on yourself or on the target you have your mouse over. line 4: cancel levitate […]
This macro will let you cast Prayer of Mending on the target that is currently under attack by your selected enemy target, without manually switching between targets. It’s great especially for priests who are attacking an enemy and quickly want to cast Prayer of Mending on the tank.
This macro will let you cast Power Word: Shield on the target that is currently under attack by your selected enemy target, without manually switching between targets. It’s great especially for priests who are attacking an enemy and quickly want to cast Power Word: Shield on the tank.
Casts Void Tendrils on your mouseover target.
Says “GET OVER HERE!” whenever you cast Leap of Faith. Will spam if you hit multiple times.
(Patch 5.3): All-in-one, Shadowform, Shadow Word: Pain, Vampiric Touch, Mind Flay, Mind Blast, Devouring Plague and Shadow Word: Death!~
Mind Sear; Mind Flay with tooltop. the code lines: line 1: this shows the tooltop for mind sear and mind flay and shift the tooltip to the right spell when you press shift. line 2: this makes your spell spamable, so if you press your macro again, it doesn’t just recast it. safes you alot of mana. line 3: this cast mind sear while holding shift down. line 4: this cast Mind Flay if you dont hold shift.
Mindbender selects target attacks and returns you to your org. target
Don’t press a mod to cast Mind Flay. Hold down shift while using this macro you cast Mind Sear. Both Neither spell will begin to cast until the current channeling spell is finished.
Spammable mind sear. The new cast won’t begin until the current one is finished.
Spammable mind flay. The new cast won’t start until the current one is finished.
Will cancel Dominate Mind before casting it again.
This macro will cast Inner Will if Inner Fire is active. Inner Fire will be cast if Inner Will is active.
This will work in the same way Dispel did before patch 5.0. It will /cast Purify on a friendly target and /cast Dispel Magic on an enemy target.
For all of those who have self cast enabled. Plenty of times when tab targeting fails or your mob dies as you hit penance, you waste a perfectly good penance. This should fix it. This macro will penance your target and do absolutely nothing else.
Priests can now combine two spells with one button. This Wow macro will switch itself based on the type of target you have and will cast the appropriate spell on that target. If it is an enemy, it will Dispel. If it is a helpful ally, it will Purify
This priest macro combines Spirit Shell and your Flash Heal ability. Hold down Control and keybind or click to cast both Spirit Shell and Flash Heal. Simply click or keybind to cast just Flash Heal.