Posted on: 08-29-2012 - Updated on: 01-11-2013
Here you’ll find the complete list of Wow macro commands, the syntax, and some notes on their usage. This macro guide will help you get the most out of when and how to use wow macro commands in customizing your own macros for Wow.
Commands are the first part of the Wow macro syntax:
/command [conditionals] spell
Above is the correct command macro syntax. Read more about the syntax of the /cast command
Command | Explanation | Syntax | Notes |
/cast | Casts the ability, item or spell | /cast [Conditonal] First Spell; [Conditional] Second Spell | |
/use | Casts the ability, item or spell | /use [Conditional] First Spell; [Conditional] Second Spell | Identical to /cast |
/castsequence | Casts the abilities in order, then repeats | /castsequence reset=ResetFunctions [Conditional] First Spell; Second Spell | Can use reset= to determine when to return to the first ability |
/castrandom | Casts a random ability | /castrandom [Conditional] First Spell; Second Spell | |
/stopmacro | Stops the macro | /stopmacro [Conditional] | Useful for creating if->then sequences |
/target | Targets the named unit | /target Name | |
/assist | Switches your target to your target’s target | /assist [Conditional] | |
/targetlasttarget | Switches your target to your previous target | /targetlasttarget [Conditional] | |
/cleartarget | Clears your target | /cleartarget [Conditional] | |
/focus | Focuses your target | /focus [Conditional] | |
/clearfocus | Clears your focus target | /clearfocus [Conditional] | |
/targetenemy | Targets your closest enemy | /targetenemy [Conditional] | Functionally identical to tab-target |
/targetparty | Targets your closest party member | /targetparty [Conditional] | |
/targetraid | Targets your closest raid member | /targetraid [Conditional] | |
/equip | Equips the named item | /equip Name of Item | |
/equipslot | Equips the named item in the selected slot | /equip # Name of Item | Full list of item slots |
/cancelaura | Cancels the named buff/aura | /cancelbuff [Conditional] Buff Name | |
/cancelform | Cancels your current form | /cancelform [Conditional] | Primarily used by Druids to return to Caster form |
/dismount | Cancels your current mount | /dismount [Conditional] |
Yo, i was just wondering if theres any possible way to make a macro sequence which sequences a macro command, like: “/???sequence changeactionbar 1, changeactionbar 2” and similar stuff. Please respond ;)
greetz! i just been writing a vrykul drinking helmet buff macro, and need to report that the ‘/cancelbuff’ command does not appear to work anymore, the alternative solution i found is to use ‘/cancelaura’, which seems to be used to cancel any buff nowadays.
Thanks for the report, investigating…