Posted on: 08-29-2012 - Updated on: 08-30-2012
This set of console variable can be changed using script macros. To change a console variable, create a new Wow macro and use the syntax below. I’ve bolded the ones I’ve found useful in making Wow macros. If you have any macros that use these variables, let us know!
SET variableName “value”
ActionButtonUseKeyDown | 1 |
BGLoadThrottle | 33 |
BlockTrades | 0 |
ChatAmbienceVolume | 0.3 |
ChatMusicVolume | 0.3 |
ChatSoundVolume | 0.4 |
CinematicJoystick | 0 |
CombatDamage | 1 |
CombatHealing | 1 |
CombatLogPeriodicSpells | 1 |
DesktopGamma | 0 |
ERRORS | 0 |
EnableMicrophone | 1 |
EnableVoiceChat | 0 |
EnterWorld | 0 |
ErrorFileLog | 0 |
ErrorFilter | all |
ErrorLevelMax | 3 |
ErrorLevelMin | 2 |
Errors | 0 |
FFXDeath | 1 |
FFXGlow | 1 |
FXAA | 0 |
FootstepSounds | 1 |
GameObjForceMouseOver | 0 |
Gamma | 1.0 |
InboundChatVolume | 1.0 |
Joystick | 0 |
MacDisableOsShortcuts | 0 |
MacUseCommandAsControl | 0 |
MacUseCommandLeftClickAsRightClick | 1 |
MovieRecordingAutoCompress | 1 |
MovieRecordingCompression | 1635148593 |
MovieRecordingCursor | 0 |
MovieRecordingForceEnable | 0 |
MovieRecordingFramerate | 29.97 |
MovieRecordingGUI | 1 |
MovieRecordingGetTexImage | 0 |
MovieRecordingIcon | 1 |
MovieRecordingPath | |
MovieRecordingQuality | 2 |
MovieRecordingRecover | 1 |
MovieRecordingSound | 1 |
MovieRecordingWidth | 640 |
NamePlateStlye | |
ObjectSelectionCircle | 1 |
OutboundChatVolume | 1.0 |
POIShiftComplete | 0.3 |
PetMeleeDamage | 1 |
PetSpellDamage | 1 |
PushToTalkButton | ` |
PushToTalkSound | 0 |
RealmList | |
SSAO | 0 |
SSAOBlur | 2 |
ShowClassColorInNameplate | 0 |
SkyCloudLOD | 0 |
Sound_AmbienceVolume | 0.6 |
Sound_DSPBufferSize | 0 |
Sound_EnableAllSound | 1 |
Sound_EnableAmbience | 1 |
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForOthers | 1 |
Sound_EnableArmorFoleySoundForSelf | 1 |
Sound_EnableDSPEffects | 1 |
Sound_EnableEmoteSounds | 1 |
Sound_EnableErrorSpeech | 1 |
Sound_EnableHardware | 0 |
Sound_EnableMusic | 1 |
Sound_EnablePetBattleMusic | 1 |
Sound_EnablePetSounds | 1 |
Sound_EnableReverb | 0 |
Sound_EnableSFX | 1 |
Sound_EnableSoftwareHRTF | 0 |
Sound_EnableSoundWhenGameIsInBG | 1 |
Sound_ListenerAtCharacter | 1 |
Sound_MasterVolume | 1.0 |
Sound_MaxCacheSizeInBytes | 16777216 |
Sound_MaxCacheableSizeInBytes | 1048576 |
Sound_MusicVolume | 0.4 |
Sound_NumChannels | 24 |
Sound_OutputDriverIndex | 0 |
Sound_OutputDriverName | Primary Sound Driver |
Sound_OutputQuality | 1 |
Sound_OutputSampleRate | 44100 |
Sound_SFXVolume | 1.0 |
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverIndex | 0 |
Sound_VoiceChatInputDriverName | Primary Sound Capture Driver |
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverIndex | 0 |
Sound_VoiceChatOutputDriverName | Primary Sound Driver |
Sound_ZoneMusicNoDelay | 0 |
SpellTooltip_DisplayAvgValues | 1 |
SplineOpt | 1 |
StartTalkingDelay | 0.0 |
StartTalkingTime | 1.0 |
StopTalkingDelay | 0.0 |
StopTalkingTime | 2.0 |
SunShafts | 0 |
UIFaster | 3 |
UberTooltips | 1 |
UnitNameEnemyGuardianName | 0 |
UnitNameEnemyPetName | 1 |
UnitNameEnemyPlayerName | 1 |
UnitNameEnemyTotemName | 0 |
UnitNameFriendlyGuardianName | 0 |
UnitNameFriendlyPetName | 1 |
UnitNameFriendlyPlayerName | 1 |
UnitNameFriendlySpecialNPCName | 1 |
UnitNameFriendlyTotemName | 0 |
UnitNameGuildTitle | 1 |
UnitNameHostleNPC | 0 |
UnitNameNPC | 0 |
UnitNameNonCombatCreatureName | 0 |
UnitNameOwn | 0 |
UnitNamePlayerGuild | 1 |
UnitNamePlayerPVPTitle | 1 |
UseNVShaders | 1 |
VoiceActivationSensitivity | 0.4 |
VoiceChatMode | 0 |
VoiceChatSelfMute | 0 |
accountList | |
accounttype | |
activeCUFProfile | |
addFriendInfoShown | 0 |
advancedWatchFrame | 0 |
agentLogLevel | 1 |
alternateResourceText | 0 |
alwaysCompareItems | 0 |
alwaysShowActionBars | 0 |
assistAttack | 0 |
asyncHandlerTimeout | 100 |
asyncThreadSleep | 0 |
auctionDisplayOnCharacter | 0 |
autoClearAFK | 1 |
autoCompleteResortNamesOnRecency | 1 |
autoCompleteUseContext | 1 |
autoCompleteWhenEditingFromCenter | 1 |
autoDismount | 1 |
autoDismountFlying | 0 |
autoFilledMultiCastSlots | 0 |
autoInteract | 0 |
autoLootDefault | 0 |
autoOpenLootHistory | 0 |
autoQuestPopUps | |
autoQuestProgress | 1 |
autoQuestWatch | 1 |
autoSelfCast | 1 |
autoStand | 1 |
autoUnshift | 1 |
autojoinBGVoice | 0 |
autojoinPartyVoice | 1 |
baseMip | 0 |
bloatTest | 0.0 |
bloatnameplates | 0.0 |
bloatthreat | 1 |
blockTrades | 0 |
bnWhisperMode | inline |
bodyQuota | 100 |
breakUpLargeNumbers | 1 |
bspcache | 1 |
buffDurations | 1 |
calendarShowBattlegrounds | 0 |
calendarShowDarkmoon | 1 |
calendarShowLockouts | 1 |
calendarShowResets | 0 |
calendarShowWeeklyHolidays | 1 |
cameraBobbing | 0 |
cameraBobbingSmoothSpeed | 0.8 |
cameraCustomViewSmoothing | 0 |
cameraDistanceMax | 15.0 |
cameraDistanceMaxFactor | 1.0 |
cameraDistanceMoveSpeed | 8.33 |
cameraDistanceSmoothSpeed | 8.33 |
cameraDive | 1 |
cameraFlyingMountHeightSmoothSpeed | 2.0 |
cameraFoVSmoothSpeed | 0.5 |
cameraGroundSmoothSpeed | 7.5 |
cameraHeightIgnoreStandState | 0 |
cameraHeightSmoothSpeed | 1.2 |
cameraPitchMoveSpeed | 90 |
cameraPitchSmoothMax | 30.0 |
cameraPitchSmoothMin | 0.0 |
cameraPitchSmoothSpeed | 45 |
cameraPivot | 1 |
cameraPivotDXMax | 0.05 |
cameraPivotDYMin | 0.00 |
cameraSavedDistance | 5.55 |
cameraSavedPetBattleDistance | 10.0 |
cameraSavedPitch | 10.0 |
cameraSavedVehicleDistance | -1.0 |
cameraSmooth | 1 |
cameraSmoothPitch | 1 |
cameraSmoothStyle | 4 |
cameraSmoothTimeMax | 2.0 |
cameraSmoothTimeMin | 0.1 |
cameraSmoothTrackingStyle | 4 |
cameraSmoothYaw | 1 |
cameraSubmergeFinalPitch | 5.0 |
cameraSubmergePitch | 18.0 |
cameraSurfaceFinalPitch | 5.0 |
cameraSurfacePitch | 0.0 |
cameraTargetSmoothSpeed | 90 |
cameraTerrainTilt | 0 |
cameraTerrainTiltTimeMax | 10.0 |
cameraTerrainTiltTimeMin | 3.0 |
cameraView | 2 |
cameraViewBlendStyle | 1 |
cameraWaterCollision | 1 |
cameraYawMoveSpeed | 180 |
cameraYawSmoothMax | 0.0 |
cameraYawSmoothMin | 0.0 |
cameraYawSmoothSpeed | 180 |
camerasmooth | 1 |
characterFrameCollapsed | 1 |
chatBubbles | 1 |
chatBubblesParty | 1 |
chatMouseScroll | 1 |
chatStyle | im |
checkAddonVersion | 1 |
closedInfoFrames | |
colorChatNamesByClass | 0 |
colorblindMode | 0 |
combatLogOn | 1 |
combatLogRetentionTime | 300 |
combatTextFloatMode | 1 |
componentCompress | 1 |
componentTexCacheSize | 20 |
componentTexLoadLimit | 6 |
componentTextureLevel | 1 |
componentThread | 1 |
consolidateBuffs | 1 |
conversationMode | popout |
decorateAccountName | 0 |
deselectOnClick | 0 |
detailDoodadInstancing | 1 |
digSites | 1 |
disableServerNagle | 1 |
displayFreeBagSlots | 1 |
displaySpellActivationOverlays | 1 |
displayWorldPVPObjectives | 1 |
dontShowEquipmentSetsOnItems | 0 |
doodadInstancing | 1 |
doodadStippleFadingMode | 0 |
doodadStippleFadingType | 0 |
doodadUnloadDist | 15.0 |
emphasizeMySpellEffects | 1 |
enableCombatText | 1 |
enableMovePad | 0 |
enablePVPNotifyAFK | 1 |
enableWowMouse | 0 |
enterWorld | 0 |
environmentDetail | 100 |
errors | 0 |
expandUpgradePanel | 1 |
farClip | 350 |
farclip | 350 |
fctAllSpellMechanics | 0 |
fctAuras | 0 |
fctCombatState | 0 |
fctComboPoints | 0 |
fctDamageReduction | 0 |
fctDodgeParryMiss | 1 |
fctEnergyGains | 0 |
fctFriendlyHealers | 0 |
fctHonorGains | 0 |
fctLowManaHealth | 1 |
fctPeriodicEnergyGains | 0 |
fctReactives | 1 |
fctRepChanges | 0 |
fctSpellMechanics | 0 |
fctSpellMechanicsOther | 0 |
ffxDeath | 1 |
ffxGlow | 1 |
ffxNetherWorld | 1 |
ffxRectangle | 1 |
ffxSpecial | 1 |
fixedFunction | 0 |
flaggedTutorials | |
forceEnglishNames | 0 |
friendsSmallView | 0 |
friendsViewButtons | 0 |
fullSizeFocusFrame | 1 |
fxaa | 0 |
g_accountUsesToken | 0 |
gameTip | 0 |
gamma | 1.0 |
graphicsQuality | 1 |
groundEffectDensity | 16 |
groundEffectDist | 70 |
groundEffectFade | 70 |
guildMemberNotify | 1 |
guildNewsFilter | 0 |
guildRewardsCategory | 0 |
guildRewardsUsable | 0 |
guildRosterView | |
guildShowOffline | 1 |
gxApi | auto |
gxAspect | 1 |
gxColorBits | 24 |
gxCursor | 1 |
gxDepthBits | 24 |
gxDepthResolveHandleCaching | 1 |
gxFixLag | 0 |
gxMaximize | 0 |
gxMonitor | 0 |
gxMultisample | 1 |
gxMultisampleQuality | 0.000000 |
gxOverride | |
gxRefresh | 60/1 |
gxResolution | 1680×1050 |
gxStereoConvergence | 1 |
gxStereoEnabled | 0 |
gxStereoSeparation | 25 |
gxTextureCacheSize | 0 |
gxTripleBuffer | 0 |
gxVSync | 0 |
gxWindow | 0 |
gxoverride | |
horizonFarclipScale | 4.0 |
horizonNearclipScale | 0.7 |
hwDetect | 1 |
hwPCF | 1 |
hwdetect | 1 |
iTunesRemoteFeedback | 1 |
iTunesTrackDisplay | 0 |
installLocale | enUS |
interactOnLeftClick | 1 |
joystick | 0 |
lastCharacterIndex | 0 |
lastTalkedToGM | |
lastVoidStorageTutorial | 0 |
launchAgent | 1 |
lfGuildComment | |
lfGuildSettings | 1 |
lfdCollapsedHeaders | |
lfdSelectedDungeons | |
lfgAutoFill | 0 |
lfgAutoJoin | 0 |
lfgSelectedRoles | 0 |
locale | enUS |
lockActionBars | 1 |
lockedWorldMap | 1 |
lootUnderMouse | 1 |
mapQuestDifficulty | 0 |
maxAlgoplates | 25 |
maxFPS | 200 |
maxFPSBk | 30 |
maxSpellStartRecoveryOffset | 0 |
miniWorldMap | 0 |
minimapInsideZoom | 0 |
minimapPortalMax | 99 |
minimapShapeshiftTracking | |
minimapShowArchBlobs | 1 |
minimapShowQuestBlobs | 1 |
minimapZoom | 0 |
mouseInvertPitch | 0 |
mouseInvertYaw | 0 |
mouseSpeed | 1.0 |
movieSubtitle | 0 |
movierecordingrecover | 1 |
nameplateMotion | 2 |
nameplateOverlapH | 0.8 |
nameplateOverlapV | 0.8 |
nameplateShowEnemies | 0 |
nameplateShowEnemyGuardians | 1 |
nameplateShowEnemyPets | 1 |
nameplateShowEnemyTotems | 1 |
nameplateShowFriendlyGuardians | 1 |
nameplateShowFriendlyPets | 1 |
nameplateShowFriendlyTotems | 1 |
nameplateShowFriends | 0 |
nearclip | 0.2 |
objectFade | 1 |
objectFadeZFill | 0 |
overrideArchive | 0 |
particleDensity | 100 |
partyBackgroundOpacity | 0.5 |
partyStatusText | 0 |
patchList | |
pathDistTol | 1 |
pathSmoothing | 1 |
pendingInviteInfoShown | 0 |
petStatCategoriesCollapsed | 0 |
petStatCategoryOrder | |
petStatusText | 0 |
playIntroMovie | 5 |
playerStatLeftDropdown | |
playerStatRightDropdown | |
playerStatusText | 0 |
portal | public-test |
predictedHealth | 1 |
predictedPower | 1 |
preloadLoadingDistObject | 512 |
preloadLoadingDistTerrain | 1024 |
preloadStreamingDistObject | 64 |
preloadStreamingDistTerrain | 256 |
prepassMode | 0 |
processAffinityMask | 0 |
profanityFilter | 1 |
projectedTextures | 0 |
questLogCollapseHeaderFilter | 0 |
questPOI | 1 |
raidFramesDisplayAggroHighlight | 1 |
raidFramesDisplayClassColor | 0 |
raidFramesDisplayIncomingHeals | 1 |
raidFramesDisplayOnlyDispellableDebuffs | 0 |
raidFramesDisplayPowerBars | 0 |
raidFramesHealthText | none |
raidFramesHeight | 36 |
raidFramesPosition | |
raidFramesWidth | 72 |
raidOptionDisplayMainTankAndAssist | 1 |
raidOptionDisplayPets | 0 |
raidOptionIsShown | 1 |
raidOptionKeepGroupsTogether | 0 |
raidOptionLocked | lock |
raidOptionShowBorders | 1 |
raidOptionSortMode | role |
readContest | 0 |
readEULA | 0 |
readScanning | 0 |
readTOS | 0 |
readTerminationWithoutNotice | 0 |
realmList | |
realmListbn | |
realmName | |
realmlist | |
realmlistbn | |
reducedLagTolerance | 0 |
reflectionDownscale | 0 |
reflectionMode | 3 |
releaseUITextures | 1 |
removeChatDelay | 0 |
repositionfrequency | 1 |
reputationsCollapsed | |
rippleDetail | 2 |
rotateMinimap | 0 |
screenEdgeFlash | 1 |
screenshotFormat | jpeg |
screenshotQuality | 3 |
scriptErrors | 0 |
scriptProfile | 0 |
secureAbilityToggle | 1 |
serviceTypeFilter | 6 |
shadowCull | 1 |
shadowInstancing | 1 |
shadowMode | 0 |
shadowScissor | 1 |
shadowTextureSize | 1024 |
showAllEnemyDebuffs | 0 |
showArenaEnemyCastbar | 1 |
showArenaEnemyFrames | 1 |
showArenaEnemyPets | 1 |
showBattlefieldMinimap | 0 |
showBosses | 1 |
showCastableBuffs | 0 |
showDispelDebuffs | 0 |
showErrors | 1 |
showGameTips | 1 |
showKeyring | 0 |
showPartyBackground | 0 |
showPartyPets | 1 |
showQuestObjectivesOnMap | 1 |
showQuestTrackingTooltips | 1 |
showTargetCastbar | 1 |
showTargetOfTarget | 0 |
showTimestamps | none |
showToastBroadcast | 1 |
showToastConversation | 1 |
showToastFriendRequest | 1 |
showToastOffline | 1 |
showToastOnline | 1 |
showToastWindow | 1 |
showTokenFrame | 0 |
showTokenFrameHonor | 0 |
showTutorials | 0 |
showVKeyCastbar | 1 |
showfootprintparticles | 1 |
simd | 255 |
smoothUnitPhasing | 1 |
smoothUnitPhasingActorPurgatoryTimeMs | 1500 |
smoothUnitPhasingDestroyedPurgatoryTimeMs | 500 |
smoothUnitPhasingDistThreshold | 0.25 |
smoothUnitPhasingUnseenPurgatoryTimeMs | 750 |
spamFilter | 1 |
spellActivationOverlayOpacity | 0.65 |
spellBookSort | 1 |
ssao | 0 |
ssaoBlur | 2 |
statCategoriesCollapsed | 0 |
statCategoryOrder | |
statusTextPercentage | 0 |
stopAutoAttackOnTargetChange | 0 |
streamBeams | 0 |
streamStatusMessage | 1 |
streamingCameraLookAheadTime | 2000 |
streamingCameraMaxRadius | 250 |
streamingCameraRadius | 100 |
sunShafts | 0 |
sunshafts | 0 |
superTrackerDist | 0.75 |
synchronizeBindings | 1 |
synchronizeConfig | 1 |
synchronizeMacros | 1 |
synchronizeSettings | 1 |
taintLog | 0 |
talentFrameShown | 0 |
talentPointsSpent | 0 |
targetOfTargetMode | 5 |
targetStatusText | 0 |
terrainAlphaBitDepth | 8 |
terrainHoles | 0 |
terrainLodDist | 400 |
terrainMipLevel | 0 |
terrainTextureLod | 0 |
textureFilteringMode | 1 |
threatPlaySounds | 1 |
threatShowNumeric | 0 |
threatWarning | 3 |
threatWorldText | 1 |
timeMgrAlarmEnabled | 0 |
timeMgrAlarmMessage | |
timeMgrAlarmTime | 0 |
timeMgrUseLocalTime | 0 |
timeMgrUseMilitaryTime | 0 |
timingMethod | 0 |
timingTestError | 0 |
toastDuration | 4 |
trackedAchievements | |
trackedQuests | |
trackerFilter | 7 |
trackerSorting | 0 |
uiScale | 1.0 |
unitHighlights | 1 |
useCompactPartyFrames | 0 |
useDebugAllocators | 1 |
useDesktopMouseSpeed | 0 |
useEnglishAudio | 0 |
useUiScale | 0 |
useWeatherShaders | 1 |
videoOptionsVersion | 0 |
violenceLevel | 2 |
watchFrameBaseAlpha | 0 |
watchFrameIgnoreCursor | 0 |
watchFrameState | 0 |
watchFrameWidth | 0 |
waterDetail | 0 |
weatherDensity | 2 |
whisperMode | inline |
wholeChatWindowClickable | 1 |
windowResizeLock | 0 |
wmoLodDist | 650 |
worldBaseMip | 0 |
worldMapOpacity | 0 |
worldMaxMipLevel | 12 |
worldPoolUsage | $default |
xpBarText | 0 |