Switch to Moonkin Cast Moonfire
Hellfire Macro
Havoc Previous Target Macro
Wild Charge Focus (For healers)
All in one Bullheaded arena
Arcane burst
Sadistic Rain of Fire novelty macro
Comical Cannibalize
Astral Recall and Hearthstone.
Delete item without confimation
Mount of Frost
Ice Skating
Misdirection macro
Shaman Weapon
Dps for Destro Warlock
BEAST shape shift macro
Dash/Wild Charge/Darkflight Macro
Super Saiyan button
Bear defense rotation
Mouseover grip
Combat buffaroo
3 point death
Worgen mount
Blind and Sprint in range
Hunter Stealth Detector
PVP Destruction Macro
Spam Combine Devastate
Mass grip in your focus
Redirect focus kidney macro
Fury Burst
Tidy Plates interupt
Windwalker Legacy
Stopcast and Kill shot
Dreanei DK healing macro
Frost DK PVP
Unholy burst
One shot macro
Mount a drake
Mistweaver Fistweaving
Build embers quickly
Prayer of Mending target of target on enemies
Power Word: Shield cast on target of enemy target
Multi-chat Healer Kill order announce with gender
Drairon’s super DPS macro
Before and After pull booster
Master’s Call Plus
Super KC Macro
Stealth, CoS, and vanish all in one
Destruction warlock rotation
Boss fight start
A macro macro
One Button Pew Pew
AOE Supreme
First Strike
Multi purpose ghoul macro
Death Knight Taunt macro
Hand and Rebuke macro
Get over here Leap of Faith
Warrior Mobility
Arms Warrior CD macro
Another leveling macro
Raise Dead plus Dark Transformation
Pet management for arena
Mind Freeze
Advanced Taunt
DPS burst
Leap Through the Air (Demonology)
Warlock Healing Macro
Advanced Fear
Smart Singe
Smart Immolate
Shadow all in one
Charge: Reloaded
Charge plus Pummel
Fury Burst PvE/PvP
MM Hunter quick burst
Storm, Earth and Fire
Mistweaver mana regen
All in one Ascendance
Extremely rude macro
Inscription glyphs known
Inscription milling
Fairie Fire and Ravage one button
Aspect Toggle
Aspect of Iron Hawk
Announce Skull Banner
Scattershot focus
Announce Divine Shield
Charge, intervene and victory rush
Target Enemy
Opener Demonology
Divine Hymn Booster
Frost Mage Burn
Frost mage defensive macros
Combo Point Macro
Unholy massive burst
To use lightning bolt when Elemental Blast is on CD
O RLY ascii art for chat
One Shot Frost
Revive on Mouseover and Mass Resurrection one button
Nature’s Swiftness and Healing touch
Trap Cast Sequence Macro
PvP Mistweaver Burst Macro
Dark Apotheosis Spam
Good Growl Macro
Mighty Bash, Disorienting Roar or Ursol’s Vortex
Multi banner Intervene
Mind Freeze combined with Strangulate
Death Coil and Heal Pet combined
Rejuvenation without changing form
Easy pet heal
Mounting and Aspect macro
Mind Sear and Mind Flay
Levitate macro
3 in 1 Monk Macro
Blood Tap and Death Coil
Tiger’s Lust and Roll in one button
Pet Sacrifice Heal
Serpent Sting and Widow Venom
Mind bender
Demonic Circle summon and transport one button
Use quest item on mouseover
5 combo point macro
Spammable Mind Flay and Mind Sear one button
Spammable Mind Sear
Spammable Mind Flay
Spammable Drain Life
Bind a spell or item to a mouse button
All in one Tillers
Cancel Bladestorm and Charge
Change tabbing keybind
Cancel Dominate Mind
Huge HP boost
Death Grip for Arenas
Rise from the dead NOOB
One button judgement
Quests completed macro
Silencing shot for arena
Firin’ ur lz0rs
Deathgrip plus Chains of Ice
Use cloak enchant
Glove enchant and engineering macro
Cancel Dark Bargain
Fist of Justice
Void Tendrils on mouseover
Mouse over Power Word Shield
Remove curse mouseover
Emergency burst warrior PVP one shot
Inner fire and Inner Will
Buff while mounting – good for BG’s
Buff DI while mounting
Warlocks can rez, silly
All in one Warlock pet
Lock Toys
One Shot Destro
Mouseover Tricks of the Trade
Stealth Spam
Incoming enemies announcement
Cancel Spirit Shell
Desperate Prayer and trinket
Purify on friendly and Dispel on enemy
Use belt enchantment
Play a sound
Soul Burn and Soul Swap
Vanish or stealth one button
All in one pet utility macro
Intimidation with Blink Strike or Lynx Rush
Stops casting and casts Kill Shot
PVE warrior burst
One-button Cat Form
Spear Hand Strike focus
Funny rogue smoke bomb macro
PVP burst
Feral kitty burst
Demonology cast sequence
Guaranteed Raging Blow
Combine charge and pummel
Hammer of the Righteous + Crusader Strike
Breath of Fire and Dizzying Haze
Imp Swarm burst
Wild Mushroom plant and detonate
Beastmaster using Spirit Cat
Bestial Wrath with Engineering
Assassination burst
Set focus and bind an elemental
Smart Mind Spike
3 Chakras in one button
One button jewelcrafting and enchanting
Mouseover blind
Tell the raid your coordinates
Stealth/Cheap Shot
(Deadly) Throw
1 shot macro for PvP
Auto Quest Accept/Turn In
Gold Syphon
XP Macro
Smart Penance
40k Shield
Target and mod focus hex
Life Savers
Focused Hex
Shock Shock & Shock Again
Hunter dps 5.1
Wrath Rush
Help / Harm combos [Mistweavers]
Black Ox Statue/Elusive Brew
Power Word: Simple Shield
SRHT (Savage Roar – Healing Touch)
Soulburn and Soul Swap one button
Intervene/charge macro
Oh, you got aggro, brah
Tells they party/raid who’s soul was stored
The Stone Guard taunt
Mistweaver: Healing Cooldowns for Emergencies
Mistweaver: Renewing Mist on Mouseover
Smart Soothing Mist
Mousover Soothing Mist
Monk stance dance
3 mounts depending on terrain
One button Holy Shock
Moonkin Form before mounting
Toggle full screen and windowed mode
Son of Ursoc Incarnation
Earth Shield and whisper
Summon random favorite pet
Affliction warlock cast sequence grinding macro
Join Pet Battle Que
Funny hump day macro
Funny Pandaren Bloodlust
Funny Goblin Rocket Jump
Click the extra action button during boss fights
Cycle through raid target icons
One button stance changes
Shroud of Reversal for Feng the Accursed
Arena Counterspell
Mouseover Focus Macro
Water shield or Lightning Shield
Go into Shadowform before casting Mind Blast
Flash Heal on yourself or your focus
Invoke Xuen, the White Tiger and dps cooldowns
Rebirth or Revive macro
Boomkin Assist Tank Macro
Nature’s Swiftness
Check your coordinates
Funny get naked and dance macro
Equip Fishing pole and start fishing with emote text
Wild Charge in any form
Mouseover Flash of Light
Switch specs and gear sets
Sap nearest target
Charm Woodland Creature
Travel form and eject passenger macro
Toggle loud and soft audio
Focus, misdirect and assist for easy pulling
Fortifying Brew before Touch of Death
Expel Harm and Jab
Warlock Soul Link Total HP Check
Intervene your Mocking Banner
Intervene your Demoralizing Banner
Resuscitate and say a funny phrase
Spinning Crane Kick spam
Mouseover Surging Mist Heal
Black Ox Statue Provoke (aoe taunt)
Shadowfiend attack
Arms and Fury defensive cooldowns
All warrior banners in one button
Water parched crops for Tillers
Plant seeds for Tillers
What stance or form am I in?
Spear Hand Strike
Feral one button survive
Cat Form, Bear Form toggle
Mount Sandstone Drake and eject passenger
Monk Provoke
One button start attack Retribution
One button start attack template
See the percent of achievements you have completed
Cleanse macro
Mount and eject passengers
Vendor all your grey items
Exit a vehicle
Yell BOOM! when you land from Heroic Leap
Set focus and Cyclone
Set your focus and sheep
Random companion pet macro
All warrior shouts in one button macro
Mouseover disenchant
Ice Floes and Frostfire Bolt
Havoc and Chaos Bolt in one button
Your tears fuel me ascii text art funny
STFU truck ASCII art
Funny train emote
Play the world’s smallest violin
Paladin Avenging Wrath, trinkets and Judgement
Mouseover, focus or target Shield Slam
Trinket cast sequence
Set your focus and whisper them a message
Sheep, remove curse and cast a spell utility
Eject passenger from a mount
Worgen Two Forms
Use trinket and cast Mindbender
Dispel or Purify in one button
Arathi Basin strategy announcement
Show battleground score menu
Taunt target of target
Perform a specific tradeskill by name
Toggle PVP status
Barker tradeskill in chat
Calculate your average equipped and owned item level
Set your role in a dungeon, raid or BG
Buy a quantity of something from the vendor
Swap focus and target
You just died in a BG
Tricks of the Trade
Orc Blood Fury
AOE dps Hellfire and Command Demon
When you pull, Unending Resolve plus Soulshatter
Dark Soul: Knowledge plus Metamorphosis for Demonology
Master’s call macro
Go home (Astral Recall + Hearthstone)
Dispel and res with one button
Res and dispel in one button, for monks
Adrenaline Rush and Killing Spree cast sequence
Crimson Tempest and Fan of Knives AOE cast sequence
Cookie announcement for Soulwell healthstones
Battleshout and emote flavor text
Announce that you have sheeped a target
Rune Strike plus Blood Tap
Word of Glory on yourself or your focus
Avenging Wrath and Hammer of Wrath
Swine Flu
Run away with Frost Shock and Ghost Wolf
Funny Bloodlust
Ancestral Swiftness and Chain Lightning
Windshear interrupt your focus or your target
Destroy totems with your pet
Destroy harmful totem with normal attack
Use engineered tinkered cloak and Disengage
Use engineering tinkered cloak
Use your engineering tinkered belt
Improved Fetch with multiple targeting options
Assist focus, target or player name macro
Bubble hearth, the ultimate F-U
Inner Focus and Greater Heal
Spirit Shell and Flash Heal
Inner Fire or Inner Will one button
Cast sequence for Affliction leveling
Enraged Regeneration and Berserker Rage
All battleground bombs in one button for PVP
Greater Healing Wave plus Ancestral Swiftness
Divine Shield activation and cancel
Repentance your focus or mouseover
The Angery Azerothian
Battle Rez at your target
Lifebloom with modifiers
Ghost Wolf w/ Random party message
Multi class Rez with random funny phrase
Misdirect your focus, your target, or your pet
Instant combustion
One button mounting
Cancel all auctions that are less than 12 hours remaining
Cancel all auctions with a specific name macro
Get name of the button your mouse is hovering over
Vigilance on your or your target’s target
Shield Wall with one button
Sweeping Strikes and Whirlwind for AOE
Purge focus or your target macro
Toggle two hand weapon and one hand weapon with shield
Stay alive longer – All warrior defensive cooldowns in one button
Stay invisible longer by turning pets off
Arcane Power, Arcane Blast and trinket activation
BG inc chat macro
Rogue detector and destroyer
Set a focus, change your focus and/or cast Sheep at your focus macro
Set a focus, change your focus and cast spells at your focus
One button hibernate for arenas
Frost DPS sequence
Blood tanking strike rotation
Raise Dead and Death Pact Macro
Encounter specific spells with extra button
Stun lock Subtlety
Lichborne and Death Coil on yourself in one button
Dispel and res with one button
Use quest items without clicking
All Cat Form finishers in one button
Master’s Call, Disengage and Concussive Shot to get melee off you
Get the name of any spell by ID
Pull macro using /yell and DBM to announce plus skull target
Ice Block then immediately cancel Ice Block
Destroy a totem of your choice
Fetch target or on mouseover
Fire Elemental totem and Earth Elemental totem cast sequence
Remove Curse on yourself or your focus
Readiness after Rapid Fire
Scatter Shot nearest enemy
Funny Shuffle
Tiger’s Lust on yourself or your focus
Arena targeting template
Detox macro for your target or yourself
One button engineering belt tinker Nitro Boost or Sprint
Ambush and Premeditation if stealthed, Backstab otherwise
Send Jewelcrafting barker in trade message
Dark Soul: Instability, Trinket and Chaos Bolt
Warlock Immolate and Conflagrate cast sequence
Symbiosis your focus or a specific person
Nature’s Cure macro on yourself or your focus
Innervate focus or yourself macro
Deadly Calm and Heroic Strike
Swap shield and one hander for two hander
Recklessness or Shield Wall depending on what’s equipped
Rising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick
Funny rude emote – flip someone off in Wow
Golfclap, clearly unimpressed emote
Funny dance emote
Cower in fear at the site of target emote
You are a chicken emote
Target player by name or nearest friendly player
Elemental Mastery and spam Lightning Bolt cast sequence
Elemental Ancestral Swiftness and Lightning Bolt
Hand of Purity focus or target
Hand of Protection focus and right click target
Mouseover warrior Intervene macro
Recount start and stop
Awesome one button Intervene
One button poison application
Cannibalize while stealthed with one button
Eat and turn stealth one button
4 in 1 Multiple mage spells in one button
Max camera distance
Right click Scorch or left click Fireball
Swap focus and target
Polymorph sheep target or focus
Dismount and use Freeze pet ability
Turn down water graphics detail
Shock sequence with target reset
Frostbolt or Ice Lance
Summon or call a random pet
Use bandage on self or friendly target
One button Trap Launcher
Concussive Shot, Disengage and Aspect of the Cheetah
All in one feed pet
All in one call pet
Cry (or sob or weep)
Roar (or rawr)
War stomp bandage for Tauren
Intimidating shout to use first aid
Random mount from a specific list
Accept a group or shared quest
Completely random mount regardless of type
Smart random mount
Anti-totem with Moonfire
All-terrain travel form
Flirt with someone
Tell a joke, funny Wow macro
Guardian Spirit
Heroic Leap spam
Pummel while Bladestorming
Ritual of Summoning announcement
One button start attack for warriors
Place a raid world marker on the ground
Target enemy player
Leveling with one button auto shot start attack
Remove Corruption on yourself or a friendly target
Use trinket before Rip for Feral Druid
Survival Instincts and Barkskin
One click Enraged Regeneration heal
Prospecting with only one button
Set raid target icon macros
One click disenchant
Misdirection to tank
Shield reflect