Posted on: 04-13-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 26046 times
Stongest macro ever 3actions, 1button.
1/ Friendly target/mouseover:
-It cast Soothing Mist, if you are not casting it(nochanneling condition).
-If you are casting Soothing Mist (channeling condition), it will cast Surging Mist.
2/ Enemi target:
-Cast Tiger Palm on the target.
3actions in 1button, i have full panel like this, to be both mistweaver an fistweaver . Renewing Mist+Jab or Enveloping Mist+Blackout Kick
#showtooltip [noharm]Surging Mist;[harm]Tiger Palm /cast [@mouseover,help,nochanneling][@target,help,nochanneling]Soothing Mist;[channeling]Surging Mist /cast [harm,exists,nohelp]Tiger Palm
[channeling]Surging Mist
This part needs to be this:
[channeling:soothing mist]Surging Mist
Channeling aS a modifier by it itself will fail.
#showtooltip [noharm]Surging Mist; [harm]Tiger Palm
/cast [@mouseover,help,nomod][@target,help,nomod]Soothing Mist; [mod:shift]Surging Mist
/cast [harm,exists,nohelp,nomod] Tiger Palm
An alternative which allows you to switch targets you are casting Soothing Mist on, without having to stopcast or jump to cancel the current channel. However, will need to hold shift for the Surging Mist.