Posted on: 09-12-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 14308 times
All of the battleground bombs take up 3 action bars slots. With this macro, you can combine all three into one button press. The only downside is the tooltip doesn’t work perfectly and I couldn’t get it to work. If someone knows how to make the tool tip work automatically, please comment
Huge Seaforium Bombs – Isle of Conquest (enemy base)
Massive Seaforium Charge – Strand of The Ancients
Seaforium Bombs – Isle of Conquest (workshop)
/use Huge Seaforium Bombs /use Massive Seaforium Charge /use Seaforium Bombs
would have to put
#showtooltip Huge Seaforium Bombs
/use Huge Seaforium Bombs
#showtooltip Massive Seaforium Charge
/use Massive Seaforium Charge
#showtooltip Seaforium Bombs
/use Seaforium Bombs