Posted on: 08-28-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 34069 times
This Druid travel macro checks to see what sort of terrain you are on and use the appropriate form or mount.
/cancelform /leavevehicle /dismount /cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form
This macro is a little outdated now due to the changes WoD brought.
Great macro! I was able to shorten my travel form macro significantly with this.
I didn’t find the “/cancelform” option necessary unless you’re trying to also include powershifting functionality to escape roots and snares. Also, I think most druids probably have “Auto Dismount in Flight” enabled in Interface settings so you could also remove the “/dismount” part as well.
I really liked how you included “/leavevehicle” into the macro; however, the UI errors were frustrating so I made the following changes. Feel free to use the changes if you like them.
/run if CanExitVehicle() then VehicleExit() end
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form
/run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
I made some changes to it.
it became this:
/use [swimming]Aquatic Form; [nomod:alt, flyable, nocombat, outdoors]Flight Form; [indoors]Cat Form; [outdoors, harm]Travel Form; [nocombat, unflyable, mod:alt] ->Ur Favorite Mount Here! xD<-
thx for the help! xD hope u guys like my changes too.
Even more 4×4;
/use [outdoors, noflyable, nocombat]
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [indoors] Cat Form; [combat] Travel Form; [flyable, nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form
probably can leave ‘ [combat] Travel Form ‘ as all the others won’t work anyway but it prevents getting the error message. Also one must know to use ‘ Flight Form ‘ when not learned ‘ Swift Flight Form ‘ yet
What’s the “/use [outdoors, noflyable, nocombat]” line do?
Shorter, includes vehicles and Flight Form:
/cast [swimming] Aquatic Form; [flyable,nocombat] Swift Flight Form; Travel Form
Very nice! Updated it – if you have more, submit them I’m still relearning and rewriting all of the classes I own since MOP changed em all.