Posted on: 09-14-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 22478 times
Never miss another Hammer of Wrath in execute range with this Retribution Paladin Wow macro! This macro attempts to cast Avenging Wrath every time you use your Hammer of Wrath ability. Ensure you have all the Paladin DPS macros.
If you don’t want to cast Avenging Wrath, just hold down a modifier button, like shift or control.
#showtooltip Hammer of Wrath /cast [nomod] Avenging Wrath /cast Hammer of Wrath
/cast Avenging Wrath
/cast Holy Avenger
/cast Inquisition
/cast Holy Prism
then alternate crusader, TV, hammer, TV, crusader, TV, hammer, TV
when ur rdy for dmg, all 4 insta casts soon as u press it, and the GCD is perfect timing for the alternating crusader/hammer with TV between them