Posted on: 09-10-2012 - Updated on: 09-10-2012 - viewed 6261 times
This auction house macro cancels all of your auctions that have less than 12 hours remaining on the bidding. Caution should be used with this because you could end up losing lots of gold due to auction house fees.
See the related macros below for a macro that just cancels items of a specific name if you want to be more careful or you don’t deal in massive AH quantities.
/script local o="owner" p=GetNumAuctionItems(o) i=p while (i>0) do local _,_,c,_,_,_,_,_,_,b,_,_=GetAuctionItemInfo(o,i) t=GetAuctionItemTimeLeft(o,i) if((c>0)and(b==0)and(t<4))then CancelAuction(i) end i=i-1 end
Doesn’t work ==