Posted on: 09-12-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 33267 times
This Warlock leveling cast sequence macro for Wow is kind of subjective and you should modify it to fit your needs. Basically it tells your pet to attack, uses one of your two trinkets, casts Dark Soul, then goes through some Affliction dots, Malefic Grasp, and finally Drain Soul.
If you find mobs are dying too quickly or not fast enough, add Agony or a Curse of Elements.
Tweak as necessary, comment if you make something better!
#showtooltip /petattack /use 13 /use 14 /cast Dark Soul: Misery /castsequence reset=Target/Combat Haunt, Corruption,Unstable Affliction, Malefic Grasp, Drain Soul
Using our Teleport and Healthstones are also great ways to keep o n chucking