Posted on: 07-09-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 17163 times
Charge: Reloaded
This macro simplifies your action bar by simply removing 3 abilities from it, merging it into one button.
Since Charge requires a distance to be able to cast, there is the obvious benefit of macroing it with an only melee ability, freeing up one bind/action bar slot.
When you are far, you can’t hamstring a target. When you are near, you can’t charge it. In addition, when you target an enemy, you cant intervene it, and heroic leap requires a location selection.
This one macro utilizes all these spells so you lose absolutely no benefit from having these spells on different buttons, except for one case, when you would want to Leap instead of Charging, but that case i never found.
Want to Charge? Select your enemy and push! (and be far)
Want to Intervene? Select your ally and push!
Want to Hamstring? Select your enemy and push!
Want to Leap? Push and select location!
One slightly disturbing side-effect of the macro is that even when you don’t want to, Leap distance targetting will appear, but you can simply ignore it by using ANY spell or ability you have.
You can optionally swap Hamstring out for Pummel, should you prefer that way.
#showtooltip Charge /cast [harm] Charge; Intervene /cast [harm] hamstring /cast Heroic Leap