Posted on: 02-20-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 27868 times
Use at the beginning of a fight which grips your enemy towards you then keeps them in place for a few seconds then use all your PVP buffs and start spamming oliberate/froststrike.
/cast Deathgrip /cast chains of ice
hi there that macro is junk what if dg is on cd and chains of ice is not…… i would just use 2 keybinds not like u have much as a dk anyway
@Kalied try:
#showtooltip death grip
/castsequence Death Grip, Chains of Ice
This does not work with Chillblains. in some cases because of the DG not being on a GCD it casts Chains of ice before DG or at the same time thus rooting the target and therefore the target is immune to DG.
anyone know how to make a timed macro? mabye a DG + 0.5 seconds wait before Chains :D