Posted on: 10-04-2012 - Updated on: 10-04-2012 - viewed 13676 times
This Wow fishing macro equips your Fishing equipment set (you will need to name it to your fishing equipment set) and casts Fishing in one button. You will need to make sure that you have a fishing pole in your equipment set. It will also recast if your fishing cast lands in water.
There is no Wow fishing macro yet to click the bobber.
#showtooltip Fishing /equipset Fishing /cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing /cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing /cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing /cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing /cast [worn:Fishing Poles] Fishing /say Gone Fishin Nubs
tested just now and find fish doesn’t work anymore, but here you go:
#show Fishing
/use [worn:Fishing Poles,btn:2]item:33820
/stopmacro [btn:2]
/use [worn:Fishing Poles]Fishing
/stopmacro [worn:Fishing Poles]
/run SetTracking(2, true)
/equipset Fishing
/use item:85973
/console Sound_EnableAllSound 1
maybe you don’t have battle pets, then you have to count the tracking id, maybe SetTracking(1, true), just look
advanced version
1,equips fishing gear (you have to have a set)
2,uses ancient pandaran fishing charm
3,turns on find fish
4,turns on sound
5,uses (rightclick, if worn) weather-beaten fishing hat
6,starts fishing
have fun
#show Fishing
/use [worn:Fishing Poles,btn:2]item:33820
/stopmacro [btn:2]
/use [worn:Fishing Poles]Fishing
/equipset [noworn:Fishing Poles]Fishing
/use [noworn:Fishing Poles]item:85973
/use [noworn:Fishing Poles]Find Fish
/console Sound_EnableAllSound 1