Posted on: 10-03-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 38497 times
This Wow Windwalker monk macro combines two of your basic abilities, your Jab and your Expel Harm. Simply use a modifier of your choice, like control, shift or right click to Expel Harm instead of Jab. Its a nice quick macro that should help your healers in heavy aoe damage encounters when dps takes some damage. Also a great monk pvp macro.
#showtooltip /cast [mod] Expel Harm; [btn:2] Expel Harm; Jab
These do not work… #showtooltip
/cast [mod] Expel Harm; [btn:2] Expel Harm; Jab
i put that same code on macro and nothing expel harm coming
You need to add a specific modifier, I believe. try this
/cast [mod:shift] Expel Harm; [btn:2] Expel Harm; Jab