death-knight iconFrost DPS sequence macro

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Macro for Wow: Frost DPS sequence for Death Knights. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria

Posted on: 09-09-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 63330 times

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Frost DPS sequence for Death Knights. Not recommended for min/maxing or progression fights. Good for PVP and PVE

/castsequence reset=target/10 Howling Blast,Plague Strike,Obliterate
/castsequence reset=60 Horn of Winter
/cast Pillar of Frost
/cast Empower Rune Weapon
/cast Raise Dead
/Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

7 responses to “Frost DPS sequence”

  1. Ceyts says:

    Hi, i made this macro:

    /castsequence reset=60 !Outbreak, null
    /castsequence reset=30/target Plague Strike,Howling Blast

    I used ? macro icon to do it, so it shows the outbreak icon. After i use the outbreak spell, the macro icon turns to ? though.

    Anyone knows how to aplly the #show and #showtooltip to the second castsequence line?

  2. Tabula says:

    I took a look at this macro and i know why Raise Dead doesn’t work. It’s Because Soul Reaper, Horn of Winter, and Raise Dead share the same activation chain. In order to get that macro to work it should look like this.

    /castsequence reset=target/combat Howling Blast,Plague Strike,Pestilence,Obliterate
    /castsequence reset=60 Raise Dead
    /cast Pillar of Frost
    /cast Empower Rune Weapon
    /castsequence reset=20 Horn of Winter
    /Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear

    I dropped Soul Reaper because one it put me pass the 255 limit and because I didn’t have a frost or death rune charge to use it.

    • Gizmotion says:

      Im new to macros so I may be doing something wrong but I have 3 questions. For starters my Horn of Winter never activates so im not sure whats wrong there.Secondly the macro does not go in sequence. The macro activates Pillar of Frost and Empower Rune Weapon before everything else which seems pointless since I still have all my Runes to use. also the /castsequence reset=60 raise dead works once then never activates again unless I switch targets. The whole reset=60 thing never seems to reset and work. Any help would be appreciated, I’ve been toying with macros for a week now and still having trouble.

  3. Stormnight says:

    have tried the macro which is very good but cannot seem to get it to cast raise dead any ideas as i am stumped at the moment :) thank you

  4. Stormnight says:

    have tried macro but cannot seem to get it to cast raise dead any idea why this would be ?

  5. Martin Allert says:


    I improved this macro a little bit and it keeps me at least under top10 DPS and Damage (Recount). What I didn’t get is how to set a target 35% trigger for Soul Reaper. Additionally, it uses now all 255 chars.

    /castsequence reset=target/10 Howling Blast,Plague Strike,Pestilence,Obliterate
    /castsequence reset=60 Horn of Winter
    /cast Pillar of Frost
    /cast Soul Reaper
    /cast Empower Rune Weapon
    /cast Raise Dead
    /Script UIErrorsFrame:Clear

  6. yuvraj says:

    loved your macro thnx

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