Posted on: 07-25-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 14480 times
As a healer in a utilitarian class, the most often spells cast other healing spells (providing the tank is keeping trash and adds under control) is a dispel and next an un-CC or un-root. Also, playing a class that possesses an interrupt lends the responsibility to not only use it but to be Johnny-on-the-spot with it. The same is to be said about all stun effects, they are mitigation tools giving an “oh shit” buffer to react. [/Cleanse] is available on a friendly target and [/Rebuke] is available on an enemy target, these are both with no modifier input and mouse-over will take priority over selected target, as well, [/Cleanse] will self cast if no target is selected. On the shift modifier [/Hand of Freedom] will be available on a friendly target and [/Hammer of Justice] is available on an enemy target. The same mouse-over/target priorities apply. This macro allows easy access to four (hopefully) commonly used abilities possessed by the Paladin. If these are not goto abilities for a particular play style, harm and help spells can be easily swapped to suite a player’s needs. No matter, the trick to understanding all that encompasses a Paladin is grouping like and commonly used abilities together. If [/Fist of Justice] is a talent choice than simply place in all instances were [/Hammer of Justice] appears.
#showtooltip /use [mod:shift,@mouseover,harm]hammer of justice;[mod:shift,@mouseover,help]hand of freedom;[mod:shift,harm]hammer of justice;[mod:shift]hand of freedom;[@mouseover,harm]rebuke;[@mouseover,help]cleanse;[harm]rebuke;[]cleanse