Posted on: 04-13-2013 - Updated on: 04-13-2013 - viewed 12889 times
Mind Sear; Mind Flay with tooltop.
the code lines:
line 1:
this shows the tooltop for mind sear and mind flay and shift the tooltip to the right spell when you press shift.
line 2:
this makes your spell spamable, so if you press your macro again, it doesn’t just recast it. safes you alot of mana.
line 3:
this cast mind sear while holding shift down.
line 4:
this cast Mind Flay if you dont hold shift.
#showtooltip [modifier:shift] Mind Sear; Mind Flay /stopmacro [channeling] /cast [modifier:shift] Mind Sear /cast Mind Flay
no channeling means that you cannot clip your mindflays making this macro a dps loss.