Posted on: 10-22-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 22782 times
Submitted by a player, this is sort of an Oh Shit button for Mistweaver Monks. It combines several healing abilities into one convenient macro. You will need to press this button 3 times to get effect.
To use:
Either use as is to use the icon of the spell next in the cast sequence, or choose an icon that you can differentiate from others on your macro. Player uses this with the default icons so that he can tell if he’s pushed it the full 3 times.
Your mileage may vary…
/castsequence Thunder Focus Tea, Uplift, Revival
I am perplexed by the use of Thunder Focus Tea in this macro. Thunder Focus Tea only effects Surging Mist and Renewing Mist, neither of which are used in the macro.
Uplift helps those players who have Renewing Mist on them. It takes a little time for Renewing Mist to spread amongst players.
Perhaps this macro in intended to go with a prequel macro that casts Surging Mist and/or Renewing Mist?
Revival, on the other hand, is a perfect ‘Oh Shit’ button and doesn’t need the other spell to be combined with it.