Posted on: 09-25-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 21259 times
This Wow Monk tanking macro casts Provoke, the Monk tank taunt that also increases the running speed of the mob. It works a couple of different ways. First, it casts it on your mouseover target. If you don’t have a mouseover target, it will attempt your focus. Finally if it can’t do either of those it will provoke your target. Adjust to your own needs.
This Monk macro is also good to use for leveling in Mists of Pandaria because it brings mobs closer to you faster.
Comment if you need help adjusting this or modifying it to your own needs.
#show Provoke /cast [@mouseover, exists,harm] Provoke; [@focus,exists, harm] Provoke; [@target,exists,harm] Provoke
Macro syntax nazi again this is how you should write this macro :
/use [@mouseover,harm][@focus,harm][]Provoke
take care.
If you are using this macro to mouseover and taunt your statue, then it actually should look like this
/cast [@mouseover][@focus,harm][]Provoke
The harm in the “@mouseover,harm” will stop you from taunting your statue.