Posted on: 04-19-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 20242 times
Took me a while to make this, but i think it’s pretty badass for pvp. Thank you other people who posted, I’ve never made a macro before and I had to borrow some of your coding. Essentially this will make a fast easy way to get out of movement impairing effects with people who use safeguard(or intervene – but doesn’t remove impairing effects) so you can get right back on top of your enemy. Amazing when you’re in an 8 second root with no trinket and no one near by to safeguard too instantly. Very fast. Put it on a close keybind, land that pole on the ground and press again for quick movement impairment removal! Then when your mocking banner is down, use your demoralizing banner instead!
#showtooltip Mocking Banner /cleartarget [help] /target [nomod] mocking banner; [mod:shift] demoralizing banner /use Intervene /use [nomod] mocking banner; [mod:shift] Demoralizing banner /targetlasttarget [help]
I use this:
#showtooltip Mocking Banner
/targetexact Mocking Banner
/cast [noraid, noparty, noharm] intervene
/targetlasttarget [noraid, noparty, noharm, exists]
/cast mocking banner
You press the button, you place down the banner, and use the button again and you intervene to it w/out targetting it. It works with every other banner, just change the name of the banner
You can add #showtooltip [mod:shift] Demoralizing Banner; Mocking Banner for conditional tooltip (works with #show as well, if needed)
Can you cast the banner itself as well ? I tried to do it and it still doesn’t work =/