Posted on: 01-25-2013 - Updated on: 03-25-2013 - viewed 40656 times
One-button Cat Form – Prowl – Pounce macro: First click puts you in Cat Form, if you are not in cat form and stealth; second click to execute pounce.
I found a longer version, but after reading this site was able to shorten it significantly.
#showtooltip [stealth] Pounce; Prowl /cast [stance:0/1/4/5/6] Cat Form(Shapeshift) /cast [form:3] !Prowl /cast [stealth] !Pounce
wouldnt it be better to just do
/cast [form:3] !Prowl
since no matter what form you are in it will switch you to cat and instantly prowl you
Updated, thanks!
/cast [stance:0/1/4/5/6] Cat Form (Shapeshift)
This is the issue, change it to
/cast [stance:0/1/4/5/6] Cat Form(Shapeshift)
Having trouble shifting to cat, other parts work fine though… Any suggestions?