Posted on: 08-27-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 48156 times
This wonderful macro I use daily for all my disenchanting. It works by selecting different items by item ID. If you don’t have one of those items, it moves down the list until it finds another. One thing I did notice is that some addons that save disenchanting info, like Auctioneer, will not record their data correctly.
To add an item, simply look up the ID on a site like wow head and add a line. The item numbers here cover you from Wrath to Cata JC green necklaces and rings. MOP coming soon.
#showtooltip Disenchant /cast Disenchant /use item:52306 /use item:52307 /use item:52308 /use item:52309 /use item:52492 /use item:43244 /use item:42337 /use item:43245 /use item:83793 /use item:83794
Awesome, thanks
This macro is great ! :D Thank you :)