Posted on: 04-29-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 33603 times
Oneshot Macro-better than others and doesnt require much, Usable every 1 min.
Make sure you have ur use dps trinket in 1st trinket slot
#showtooltip Pillar of Frost /cast Remorseless Winter /use 13 /cast Pillar of Frost
#showtooltip (PvP Trinket Name)
/cast Remorseless Winter
/USE (PvP Trinket Name)
/cast Asphyxiate
/cast Pillar of Frost
/cast Anti-Magic Shield
/cast (Berserk if you’re an Orc)
/use Potion of Strength (whatever it’s called at your level).
this sucks big balls
That is bullshit!
I use
/cast Remorsless winter
/cast (pvp trinkit)
/cast beserk (if your an orc)
/cast pillar of frost
/cast ani magic shield
#showtooltip (PvP Trinket Name)
/cast Remorseless Winter
/USE (PvP Trinket Name)
/cast Asphyxiate
/cast Pillar of Frost
/cast Anti-Magic Shield
/cast (Berserk if you’re an Orc)
/yell You sleep now.