monks iconRising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick macro

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Macro for Wow: Rising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick for Monks. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria

Posted on: 09-05-2012 - Updated on: 11-03-2012 - viewed 47817 times

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This Wow monk macro allows you to spam blackout kick until Rising Sun Kick comes available. It resets after 8 seconds of inactivity, leave/enter combat or by pressing control, shift or alt.

/castsequence reset=8/combat/shift/alt/ctrl Rising Sun Kick, Blackout Kick,Blackout Kick,Blackout Kick

8 responses to “Rising Sun Kick and Blackout Kick”

  1. mar says:

    Thanks works perfect and combines the 2 kicks nicely in 1 button. This way you have more room on your hotbars which are very needed as monk

  2. Silentce says:

    Is the above macro code exactly as is to copy? I’m assuming I pick ctrl/alt/shift and take the others out, but I’m VERY new to macros.

    What do I need?, or do I just need to copy that which is above in…?

  3. Longhair says:

    Yeah, I think we’re going to need to revamp this or scrap it. I added some reset conditionals, see if that’s better

  4. Omni says:

    Does not work anymore. reset=8 now resets macro after last press and not after first one. SO you need to wait 8 seconds after last Blackout Kick to reset macro.

  5. Vince says:

    Not working properly, its doing rising sun kick, blackout kick, black out kick, then you got to wait for rising sun kick to come off cd before you can use again

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