Posted on: 03-22-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 28268 times
A macro which combines Serpent Sting and Widow Venom on one button in a cast sequence. For PvP the cast sequence is reset every time you change your target, if you stick to your target it will reset after 6 seconds so you can refresh your Serpent Sting.
#showtooltip /castsequence reset=target/6 Serpent Sting, Widow Venom
Hi, tried both suggestions and for some reason it only doess serpent sting?
I did one better I think … it works anyways … I added concussive shot to it like so
/castsequence reset=target/6 Serpent Sting, Widow Venom
/cast Concussive Shot
it was simple and it does SS first and if Concussive isn’t on CD then it does that 2nd then the venom work to slow the target (player in PvP) down :P enjoy
That Macro doesnt work it doesnt concussive shot