Posted on: 08-27-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 54612 times
These macros put the neat targeting raid icons above mobs or player’s heads. Typically the skull is meant to be the target that you kill first.
Use the following numbers to create multiple macros. Replace the number 1 below with the corresponding raid target icon you want.
1 | Star |
2 | Circle |
3 | Diamond |
4 | Triangle |
5 | Moon |
6 | Square |
7 | Cross (X) |
8 | Skull |
/script SetRaidTargetIcon("target", 1)
There is a slash command for that:
/targetmarker 1
And it works with macro conditionals:
/targetmarker [harm,nodead] 8
/targetmarker [@focus,help,nodead] 1
/tm 1
can you do a macro witch set a icon on an enemy player? so my friends knows who to cc and who to attack?
That marco set works on both friendly and enemy players / NPCs