Posted on: 08-25-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 43594 times
My all time favorite macro on my warrior for PVP. Ever since they changed it so you don’t have to stance dance, its so easy to reflect a Soulfire or Frostbolt – the best is to reflect Fear haha.
Not much to this macro, just mash it and reflect.
#showtooltip Spell Reflection /equipslot 16 Ruthless Gladiator's Slicer /equipslot 17 Ruthless Gladiator's Shield Wall /cast [equipped:Shields] Spell Reflection
#showtooltip Spell Reflection
/castsequence Spell Reflection,
This should work for you :P
any macro for a harlem shake?
#showtooltip boogiedown
/cast dance
/cast freeze
/cast base drop
/cast harlem shake
Casting this macro will cause many retarded clone videos to spawn on youtube. Use with caution
Going to try and turn this into a cast sequence to equip your 2 hander on the second click