Posted on: 10-22-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 19784 times
If you sometimes hit Soothing Mist multiple times on accident, you can use this macro to protect you from spamming the key and clipping the spell. Alternatively, you can also add this conditional to another spell macro [nochanneling: Soothing Mist] so that you don’t clip it when trying to cast your next healing spell.
This probably isn’t the best macro to use with your monk spells if you are min/maxing. Sometimes you can get that last tic off before the channel ends. Only use this if you really know you need it.
#showtooltip /cast [nochanneling: Soothing Mist] Soothing Mist
Actually, this macro is not a good idea. Since 5.2 change for how it generates chi, spamming the soothing mists button will generate chi faster then letting the entire channel go through