Posted on: 11-30-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 14074 times
This will allow u to cast healing touch when predatory swiftness proc by jus spamin the macro, its a good combo with the dream of cenarius talent.
You can chance the finishing move for the one u prefered in my case i have it with all
#showtooltip Savage Roar /castsequence reset=2 Savage Roar, null /console autounshift 0 /use [@player, combat] Healing Touch /console autounshift 1
Why do you have the Savage Roar part in there? Is it just to save bar space by combing the two spells?
I use a nearly identical macro. It allows to cast Healing Touch but it will NOT un-shift you as if the normal spell was in its place.
/console autounshift 0
/use Healing Touch
/console autounshift 1