Posted on: 09-09-2012 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 31664 times
This warrior macro for Wow combines all of your defensive cooldowns in one, simple key press. With this macro, you will have a 75% less incoming damage for Arms or Fury and 60% less damage for prot (due to defensive stance). You will also gain the Healthstone’s HP and Rallying Cry HP.
To use, replace both the weapon and the shield name with your one handed weapon and shield
/equipslot 16 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Slicer /equipslot 17 Cataclysmic Gladiator's Shield Wall /cast Defensive Stance /cast Die by the Sword /cast Shield Wall /cast Rallying Cry /use Healthstone
I would say save some equipsets.. and call them something like Arms PVP + Arms SHIELD(or what ever you like) Then use:
#showtooltip Charge
/cast Battle Stance
/equipset Arms PVP
/cast Charge
/cast Hamstring
and use:
#showtooltip Shield Wall
/cast Defensive Stance
/equipset Arms SHIELD
/cast Shield Wall
/cast Die by the Sword
/cast Rallying Cry
/use Healthstone
/use Master Healing Potion
keep up the good work!