hunter iconStops casting and casts Kill Shot macro

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Macro for Wow: Stops casting and casts Kill Shot for Hunters. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria

Posted on: 01-28-2013 - Updated on: 01-28-2013 - viewed 39759 times

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Stops casting and casts Kill Shot (you can replace it with whatever you want). As of 5.1 you can move while casting Steady Shot/Cobra Shot, so you can’t cancel it by moving, if you try to cast other spell console will only say ,,Another action in progress”.


Ziutecki, Scarshield Legion EU
/cast Kill shot Shot

7 responses to “Stops casting and casts Kill Shot”

  1. Angie says:


    #showtooltip Kill Shot
    /cast Kill Shot

  2. Saviorofwow says:

    Saved me time and has made my dps superior to many others. As some have said before, I used just /stopcasting
    /cast kill shot

  3. Phil says:

    Thank god for this macro. I had tried using my own with just 1 /stopcasting and it didn’t work.

    And yes as others have said, omit the last “shot”.

  4. Wiidowmaker says:

    Do you have to use Stopcasting 2 times?

  5. whaddicted says:

    There is a typo; in the last line you wrote “Kill shot Shot”. If you dont correct it to “Kill Shot” the macro wont work. That’d be sad because its a really nice macro!

  6. Obladioblada says:

    doesn’t work for me

  7. Garndal says:

    Hella good macro thanks man! it really helped and really simple as well

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