shaman iconTo use lightning bolt when Elemental Blast is on CD macro

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Macro for Wow: To use lightning bolt when Elemental Blast is on CD for Shamans. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria

Posted on: 05-07-2013 - Updated on: 02-01-2014 - viewed 24810 times

Need help?


I want to use lightning bolt when elemental blast is on cd, to consume my maelstrom procs and not in a castsequence because if I do a castsequence sometimes I am casting lightning bolt when elemental blast if off cd.

/cast Elemental Blast
/cast Lightning Bolt

8 responses to “To use lightning bolt when Elemental Blast is on CD”

  1. Lardazz says:

    after some tweaking of UglyManG’s post I got it to be perfect. Will cast element blast first, then lightning bolt when it’s on CD. Then when it comes off CD it will cast it over LB. Patch 5.4.7

    #showtooltip Elemental Blast
    /castsequence reset=0.2 0,Lightning Bolt
    /castsequence reset=0.1 Elemental Blast
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

  2. Paul O says:

    Yep. even tried a
    /castsequence Elemental Blast,
    /cast Lightning Bolt

    Neither worked :(

    I think you’ll have to use:

    /castsequence reset=12 Elemental Blast, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Bolt

    I just am not sure if it will reset if you haven’t cast 2 Lightning Bolts before the Elemental Blast CD has actually come up. I suppose you could try change the reset times to be more accurate.

  3. Streko says:

    I’ve heard this may work, though:

    #showtooltip Elemental Blast
    /castsequence Elemental Blast,
    /cast Lightning Bolt

    I have to try this out at home as it seems broken but people state it works, somehow…

  4. Streko says:

    Confirmed. This will keep trying to cast Elemental Blast but repeatedly be on CD…

  5. Neongen says:

    This wont cast LB if EB is on cooldown

  6. UglyManG says:

    #showtooltip Lightning Bolt
    /castsequence reset=0.3 0,0,Elemental Blast
    /castsequence reset=1 0,Lightning Bolt
    /run UIErrorsFrame:Clear()

  7. thor says:

    It does not work.

  8. Cil says:

    emmm this one doesnt work !

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