Posted on: 09-23-2012 - Updated on: 09-23-2012 - viewed 23214 times
This is a cool Wow warrior macro. It creates an event listener that makes you yell “BOOM!” every time you land a successful Heroic Leap. In order to use it, however, you have to click it once as soon as you sign in on your character.
To use:
1. Replace “YourName” with your name
2. Click every time you sign in to activate
/run CreateFrame("Frame","HlY"):SetScript("OnEvent",function(_,_,_,s,_,_,u,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,h)if u=="YourName"and h=="Heroic Leap"and s=="SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS"then SendChatMessage("BOOM!","yell")end end)HlY:RegisterEvent("COMBAT_LOG_EVENT_UNFILTERED")
Combined with :
/say Here comes the…
/cast Heroic Leap
makes a pretty bad ass combo IMO
need one to yell only when recklessness is popped
I have recklessness in my one shot macro and only want to yell when reck is used
Or simple
/cast heroic leap
/yell boom…
doesnt work for me