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World of Warcraft News → Easiest way to gear up quickly for dungeons in Mists of Pandaria at level 90

Posted on: 10-16-2012 - Updated on: 10-16-2012

Let’s face it, you’ve hit level 90 – you’re sporting quest greens and you’ve got to get geared up for the ladies. Well, regardless if a naked Blood Elf comes strolling by you tonight, you should really get out of those greens and into something more, sporting. Here’s a quick intro to gearing up in Mists of Pandaria quickly within days or hours of turning level 90 so you can get into some dungeons and get some of that phat loot and valor points.

What is my item level?

Use this average item level macro to find your average item level equipped and average owned item level. You don’t need a fancy addon, just use that macro. 

MOP dungeon requirements

To que up for a random Mists of Pandaria dungeon finder you need a minimum of 358 to get started. You just need this to be you “best” score on battle dot net profile. Here’s the complete list of MOP dungeon item level requirements:

358 Average item level: Stormstout Brewery, Temple of the Jade Serpent
393 Average item level: Mogu’shan Palace, Shado-Pan Monastery

MOP heroic dungeon requirements

435 Average item level: Gate of the Setting Sun, Siege of Niuzao Temple, Other heroics

To use the LFR you need a minimum of 460 ilevel. This is just owned and not equipped, however it is highly suggested that you have 450 enchanted, reforged, appropriate ilevel to be useful. 

What to buy at the auction house for about 2k gold

There’s tons of crap up on the auction house for cheap. You should have about 10-15k gold just from leveling if you didn’t blow your load on that fancy new battle pet. Here’s what to look for on the cheap:

2x Blue quality Ornate Bands of the whatever: These are by products of jewelcrafting/enchanting money making shuffle. They are level 415 and you can pick them up for 100-500 gold depending on your server. Get two.

1x Blue quality Shadowfire Necklace of the whatever: These are also by products of JC/ENCH shuffle. Buy one from 100g to 500g. They are also item level 415. If you only have one neck, then buy one. 

Profession items: There are several different professional leveling crafted pieces to buy that are high level blue quality. Buy what you can afford. Buy as many as you need to increase your item level.

Cloak of the Mists: This is a leatherworking cape that can be picked up really cheap. Its item level is 393. Usually sells for less than the costs of mats around 100-300g. I’ve seen them for as cheap as 50.

Do these quests

The Arena of Annihilation: Just like in all the other xpansions, there is a Ring of Blood type quest for Mists of Pandaria that you can do with your friends or random people standing around. It is pretty close to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms, so here’s a pro tip: Announce in a city that you will pay 100g to a level 90 tank to help you – I don’t know if its repairs or what but I know lots of broke tanks. Usually you can get this done with out a healer. Especially if you are a hybrid and can toss some heals at the tank. This is located in the Kun-Lai Summit, down the steps from Temple of the White Tiger. Rewards a ilevel 450 weapon

Pitching in: This quest rewards a ilevel 429 dps trinket called Ban’s Bag of Bombs

Rummaging Through the Remains: This quest rewards another ilevel 429 dps trinket Dislodged Stinger

Hostile Skies: And another quest in Townlong Steppes that rewards a item level 429 dps trinket Nurong’s Gun


If you follow this guide, you will have about 8 items of 390-450 item level. That’s about 50% of your gear that’s an average of 420 or so. If you can round out the rest of your gear, you’ll be running heroics in less than an hour from turning level 90.

One response to “Easiest way to gear up quickly for dungeons in Mists of Pandaria at level 90”

  1. Shatteah says:

    This is awesome advise, thanks

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