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World of Warcraft News → Klaxxi and Golden Lotus exalted gives free level 489 rewards

Posted on: 10-18-2012 - Updated on: 10-25-2012

Get a new 489 necklace and ring for free! Well, maybe not for free 100% but with a little invested time, you could get a level 489 ring and necklace if you grind your way to exalted with the Klaxxi and/or the Golden Lotus. 

How does it work?

Many people don’t know this, but once you hit exalted with the Klaxxi and/or the Golden Lotus, you get an epic (almost legendary feeling) quest line for each faction. This is a very cool addition to the Mists of Pandaria that makes all those rigorous dailies seem worth it. Item level 489 is great starting gear for raiding and it will take you months to get a drop from your regular 10 man and 25 man. 

Take the Klaxxi quest line at exalted: The Empress’ Gambit
Starts at: Malik the Unscathed, he’s just to the east of the big tree by the Heart of Fear in the Dread Wastes

Take the Golden Lotus quest line at exalted: The Might of Three 
Starts at: Sun Tenderheart, at the Golden Pagoda in the Veil of Eternal Blossomes 

The rings from Klaxxi

Get one of these rings when you hit exalted with the Klaxxi. They are level 489.

Seal of the Lucid: hit/mastery
Seal of the Prime: spirit/mastery
Seal of the Windreaver: hit/crit agility
Seal of the Bloodseeker: haste/expertise strength 
Seal of the Unscathed: dodge/mastery

The necklaces from the Golden Lotus

Get one of these necklaces when you reach exalted with the Golden Lotus, they are level 489

Burning Necklace of the Golden Lotus: caster dps
Mending Necklace of the Golden Lotus: caster heal
Durable Necklace of the Golden Lotus : tank
Delicate Necklace of the Golden Lotus: agility dps
Ferocious Necklace of the Golden Lotus: strength dps


I know that grinding to revered is tough enough and that these rewards aren’t hugely helpful. However, if you want to have the BIS gear right now, its a small price to pay to have the best gear available in the game.

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