monks iconDetox macro for your target or yourself macro

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Macro for Wow: Detox macro for your target or yourself for Monks. Works in World of Warcraft patch 5.4 Siege of Orgrimmar, Mists of Pandaria

Posted on: 09-05-2012 - Updated on: 09-15-2012 - viewed 29917 times

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This monk macro for Wow casts Detox, which is a cleanse spell, on yourself if you left click it or keybind it and your target if you right click it.

#showtooltip Detox
/cast [btn:1, @player] [mod:SELFCAST, @player] [help] Detox

2 responses to “Detox macro for your target or yourself”

  1. Phanx says:

    That’s pretty inefficient, and a bit limited; it only works if you have Auto Self Cast enabled, and it only works if you’re a clicker. This is better:

    /cast [btn:1, @player] [mod:SELFCAST, @player] [help] Detox

    Casts on self with left-click or with your selfcast modifier pressed (Alt key by default, customizable in Interface Options), or on your friendly target with any other click or modifier (or lack thereof).

    Change [help] to [] to get the default behavior of casting on your helpful target if you have one, or giving you a glowing hand cursor if you don’t.

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